Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Metro Ménage

If you've ever ridden any mode of public transportation in a urban area then you are familiar with the unpredictable & unexplainable. I have had my fair share of experiences as a native Washingtonian who has been riding the bus and train for the past 10 or so years. From the unks and the crackheads who ride the 70 & 71 to the ghettofabulous children who ride the 30 buses, I've seen it all...

On one particular day this summer, I was riding the Metro home from work. I found a seat, got comfortable, and began reading a novel I was in the middle of. I'm usually oblivious to those around me on the Metro because I almost always have something to read to help me tune everything out. However I do have two rules I abide by 1. avoid sitting by anyone who smells, preaches, or is already talking loudly & 2. survey the train as you enter it. So when this guy sat beside me I was fully aware of the fact that he had been standing in the corner with his co-workers all along. How did I know they were co-workers? They all wore government badges around their necks.

The guy sits, introduces himself as _____. I politely say nice to meet you _____ and continue to read. Guys should see this as a challenge, because if you are able to successfully divert a female's attention from a book, etc. without annoying her, then you've probably got her. He asked what I was reading and I told him " a book by George Pelecanos; he's from here..." He seemed interrested and here the fun begins:

GUY: "I knew you were smart when I saw you get on the train. You're all reading your book and whatnot. You in school?"
ME: "Yea..."
GUY: "I knew it. You have a pretty face. [Pause]
ME: [Confused look @ the weak pick-up line] 'Thank you."
GUY: "Can I ask you a personal question? I don't want to offend you or make you mad you know..."
ME: [Out of curiosity I respond>] "Yea, go ahead."
GUY: "Are you attracted to other women? Like not are you gay, but like do you think they're pretty?"
ME: "Yea, I think certain women are pretty."
GUY: "Well me and my wife we like trying new things and I was wondering if you would like to have fun with us? We're really close & we've done it once before. But we're only looking for someone who has they're head on straight; that has something going for theirselves."
ME: "Um, no I have a boyfriend, I don't think so. Why don't you just find the other person yall tried it with?"
GUY: "She moved to North Carolina."

So I had a pleasant talk with a stranger and an offer for a ménage à trois all in the same convo. And it left me on the fence about the ménage à trois phenomenon. Most people fantasize about them. Some execute them. But if you're in a relationship is it worth it try it? Seems so risky. I feel like over time I've decided that I'm not interested in them. But to each his own...

Here's a link for a funny metrorail "performance":

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Going great so Far

Back at school now this semester!

My sister just had her Sweet Eighteen!

Just got a great new job!

The Guy is still great! He's at home more now. One word: economy...

Got enough saved to buy my first car!

I've been "natural" for about 7 months now & I'm happy with my new hair!

Over all a lot of things are going well in my life. I'm trying to stay positive. When I'm alone I seem to be the most happy. I think that when I'm around people I'm either really happy or cranky : / Don't know why I have a change of heart around the Guy so often. Yesterday he said I'm only happy around him at pun intended. He meant that when we go to bed I seem to be at peace with him. My mother calls me "intense" in the sense that I can have a fierce attitude at times. Think I get it from my Dad, he's a hothead...

Anywho, craziest thing ever happened to me two days ago. I use public transportation & I love it! Except for when my feel hurt & there's no seats to sit in, or the air conditioning is too high or completely off, likewise with the heat, etc., etc. So needless to say, I catch the bus and train to school. From the train there's a free shuttle to my campus. So I get on the shuttle and sit next to a girl. I'm minding my own business, reading the paper, and then I 'sniffle'. I think I hear the girl next to me say something under her breath, but I'm not sure. I 'sniffle' again, and I clearly hear her say 'Stop!'. Huh? Ok, so I 'snifle' again for good measure, just to see if she would respond. No response. So I turned to her and said "Did you just say something to me?" She said "Yea, I just have a problem with people sniffling near me..." yada, yada, yada. Are you flippin' kidding me??? I told her she should be more polite and ask me to stop, or something. I mean come on, would you tell a stranger to STOP SNIFFLING!? I could see someone saying, stop stepping on my foot, stop breathing down my neck, etc. But sniffling, idk.